Welcome!My aim is to improve how networked computers help us learn, think and communicate. I assert that we don't interface with computers - we interface with information - and people - increasingly through the mediated information environments of networked computers. I feel that this connection - this flow - between people - information, and tools can benefit from becoming more liquid.
In order to make informed decisions in the course of solving problems together, it's not enough to rely on automated systems - we need to get the right information into our heads. To this end I believe in giving the knowledge worker an environment where he or she can more flexibly navigate through information, change the way it's portrayed and relate it to other information.
My interest in all this started when I was at Syracuse University in 1991 and the Mac vs. PC wars were at their worst. I was (and still am) a Mac guy. But I realized they were both not optimal for knowledge work. So I spent a year or so developing a philosohpy and wrote a Manifesto for what I felt would be a better way. I read Howard Rheingold's Tools for Thought and as a consequence, later met and started working with Doug Engelbart, whom I have made a documentary on The Invisible Revolution, and who has inspired all of my work.
My main project now is The Liquid Information Company, www.liquid.info, where I work with an incredible team of advisors and technical geniuses to make text more liquid through the Liquid Words project, www.liquidwords.info, for Firefox, Chrome, Safari and also for Windows (IE, Office & Acrobat/PDF) and most recently Mac OS X.
The Live Globe for iPad & iPhone is also a liquid project you should check out, available from The App Store via www.live-globe.info.